Gutzon Borglum was the sculptor and was involved with the KKK. He was chosen because he was the sculptor of the "Shrine to the Confederacy” which was the inspiration for Mount Rushmore.

Guess it shouldn’t be too surprising given the way the land was taken from the local tribes despite it being sacred.

Credit to this comment by u/alcoholicorn that drove me to look it up.

    2 months ago

    Wait until your find that early US presidents were slavers and slaver families still control decent chunks of US economy.

    J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.'s predecessor banks (Citizens Bank and Canal Bank) participated in slavery in Louisiana during the 19th century. These banks accepted enslaved individuals as collateral for loans, demonstrating how financial institutions were complicit in perpetuating the system of slavery.

    James Roosevelt, a great-great uncle of President Theodore Roosevelt, owned slaves in New York during the early 19th century. He was a wealthy landowner and merchant who inherited several enslaved people.

      2 months ago

      Wait until your find that early US presidents were slavers and slaver families still control decent chunks of US economy

      Anyone with a history book on US knows the revolution was about extremely rich people wanting a country of their own to rule, so they didn’t have to pay taxes to the royal family, which it propagandized as a people’s rebellion. It was a war among the colonists about who gets to loot the riches of the land.

      So it isn’t a surprise, they’ve kept their initial agenda above everything and everyone else.

      2 months ago

      Don’t forget to mention that the United States did a genocide so thoroughly that Hitler called it “the first great cleansing”. We were his ‘inspiration’, per se.

      And on the topic of Teddy (you’ll notice language very similar to that of the Nazis):

      When Theodore Roosevelt was a young man, he travelled to the great plains where he conducted several hunting trips.

      When the visit was over, he wrote a book about his experiences.

      In this book, we can read the following words about the American buffalo and the so-called Indian problem:

      “The destruction [of the buffalo] was the condition precedent upon the advance of white civilization…

      “Above all, the extermination of the buffalo was the only way of solving the Indian question…

      “The disappearance [of the buffalo] was the only method of forcing them to at least partially to abandon their savage mode of life.

      “From the standpoint of humanity at large, the extermination of the buffalo has been a blessing.”

      Source: Theodore Roosevelt, Hunting Trips of a Ranchman