Isn’t this just a circle?
Surely you could do this with different fanbases
I bet fans of these people are getting quite annoyed by people making these memes lol
Surely must go both ways.
What do they have in common? They’re all fake…
Jesus disapproves of his fans, making him the realest.
It’s the same fanbase
Do you think Elon bros love Jesus? It doesn’t strike me that way personally.
A lot of Christians don’t seem to like Jesus ethier. They just like the brand.
I think a lot of conservative “Christians” think that if they pretend like they are following the way of Christ according to their bastardized version where they hate queer people, that they’ll somehow be able to declare themselves right and be able to stay the mean shits that they are. When in reality Jesus would not approve of their behaviour at all.
More of the right will identify as Christian’s but the left is much closer to the teachings of Jesus because the fruits of the spirit are: love, compassion, empathy, understanding, kindness, gentleness, truthfulness, brotherhood, forbearance, faith, joy, just to name a few.
When thinking of those “fruits” not many people think of the conservative Christian’s. It bothers me more than anything they hide behind their “beliefs” to push their personal agenda that goes directly against the teachings of Jesus. Gives Christianity a bad name, then again I would say each religion has it’s on group of extremist that make the whole look bad.
This is why my church is down to like 10 members and we’re struggling to pay monthly bills.
I am so far left I got my guns back, as the saying goes, and I believe in radical kindness and love, but to those who wish the same, which is not the right.
Sorry if this comes off as rude, but without Christ, you’re not a Christian. Christianity is the state of being saved, and you can’t good-person your way into salvation. There are three problems with that approach:
- If you believe you can save yourself, that’s an issue of pride. How can your living works ever compare to God’s own son dying for you?
- If you willfully ignore Christ’s salvation (the easier option) in favor of doing good works, that shows an unwillingness to repent of your sins.
- If you try to meet God’s standards (or even just what you think they are) through your works, you’ll never catch up, and you’ll exhaust yourself.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there’s no point in good works or being a good person. They’re the fruits, but they’re not the tree. You can put effort into showing fruits, but without the tree, it’s not going to do you any good in the long run. Or you can grow the tree, and if it’s real, the fruits will come naturally (and if they don’t, the tree is dead[1].)
It’s only by humility that you can come to salvation. You must recognize your sin and be willing to turn from it (and keep trying whenever you fail.) Otherwise, you’re ultimately not that different from the conservative politicians who pretend to be Christian while sticking to their hateful ways (only in your case, the ways in question might not be hateful.)
I say this not to condemn you, but in hope that you can be saved. Please don’t ignore it.
James 2:17, though on further consideration, the whole chapter is fairly relevant. ↩︎
No gods are real
Funny you mention this because I was about to bring it up but as a bad thing. They don’t care about Jesus or his teachings or any of that because they see the whole “all of your sins will be forgiven” as “I can do whatever I want and then just have to tell a priest about it before I die and then I get into heaven”. Why they think they can pull a fast one on a being they believe is omniscient is beyond me, best guess is maybe they have a really simplistic view of rules and think exploiting loopholes can be done in good faith?
The Bible actually has things to say about that mindset. Namely, if you think “I can go back to sin and just get forgiven afterwards no biggie,” and then do so, you’re not going to get forgiven (Hebrews 10.) But that doesn’t get preached much, probably because it’s easy to get it twisted and think that an inadvertent slip into sin will have the same effect.
The older I get, the more dangerous I see Calvinism as being. Mind you, I believe it is true, but I see why it is difficult to explain. The child-like laws, given to literal children, seem to me to be a way of gently guiding people into the deeper waters. Unfortunately some people refuse to ever grow up, not just in Christianity but in every single aspect of life. It is so much easier to just play make-believe and spare people’s feelings (namely, probably the people doing that are attempting to spare their own). We are wounded, due to the effects of sin, and then for lack of knowledge the people perish.
This is a made-up version of Christianity that didn’t exist until the last few hundred years. It’s heresy and unless you repent, you’re going to hell.
Is 20 a few? The idea of salvation being through Christ alone is literally in the Bible. What are you talking about? I’ve repented of my sins, and belief in the Bible is not a sin.
Are you talking Catholicism? Even then, you still have Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not of yourselves, for it is a gift of God. And this is not of works, so that no one may glory.” (CPDV) and James 2 still making it clear that faith without works is dead.
It’s false that your heresy has existed for 2000 years; it’s only been the last few hundred. Salvation is through the Church, not through Christ, and outside the church you’re damned. Sorry.
I’m a “progressive” Christian as well. Quoting Bible verses to MAGA’s is a fun exercise. They often get this guilty looking expression for a minute and then just kind of shake it off and go back to whatever hypocritical BS they were up to before.
It’s fascinating to watch.
It’s absolutely absurd. They’re so awful.
I had a neighbor come to my door wanting to read some bible verses. I was initially combative because I’m trans and have a pride flag in my window and was ready to be preached to about how I’m a sinner. I’m not religious but we actually had a really nice conversation about exactly this. I told them that I don’t believe in Jesus but do believe in the message of the bible, being a loving and caring person to everybody, and how conservatives have completely twisted the meaning to attack people like me. They read me a couple verses supporting that and how conservatives go against everything the bible says. It really gave me hope and what I was expecting to ruin my day actually made it instead.
Honestly there’s some lovely Christians out there who love queer people without question. It absolutely does not have to be the conservative way. My church has gay people and two trans ladies, and the one time I overheard one of them talking to a bunch of the guys about the local football team. Like it absolutely does not have to mean a thing.
It’s kinda funny. I’ve been reading a bunch of historical texts about the new testament. Origin of Satan, Jesus the Jew, How Jesus Became God, Passover Plot (I really recommend this one). I was saying to myself that I’m getting to know a lot about this “book” just last night, kind of amused by it. I for sure know a lot more about the texts, the authors, and the setting in which they were written than a modern christofascist.
The major point upon which I was meditating is the ongoing theme in these books that Jesus claimed to be the messiah, not god. And how I can’t discuss that with a modern USA-christian because they’d find it offensive. But anyway, wear a cross and hate on some queer people because that’s what Jesus would have wanted. /s
It’s everything Jesus did not want, and that made up horseshit in Leviticus and Romans can go fuck itself.
Just like the people who showed up on January 6 claiming to be “patriots”, there to “defend” - rather than overthrow by violent means - the Constitution, which many admit to never having read, so too many “christians” (ostensibly meaning “follower of”) do the precise opposite of their teachings. Of course you can’t have a rational discussion with people like this!?!? You cannot extract blood from a stone. They just don’t have it in them to be capable of that. And yes ofc you, having read the book, know better what is in it compared to someone who can’t read, or more precisely someone who refuses to.
Whereas people of conscience, regardless of religious - including non- or even anti-religious - affiliation, can discuss pretty much anything. There are real Christians though, just look at their actions and it’s extremely easy to tell (just like there are real patriots, desperate the presence of mimics that try to claim that they are while being the polar opposite - many are dedicated civil servants and/or members of the armed forces, both of whom lay their literal life on the line, and the latter also their possible death, though non-armed forces also contribute as well).
All that aside, there are many ways that Jesus claimed to be God. I started listing them out in my head but in looking up some scriptures to back them up (like “I and the Father are one”, John 10:29-33; plus He claimed to be able to forgive sins, which only God could do - so to the people of the time, He was being quite clear), found this article that says it a lot better than I could: So I hope that’s interesting.
My controversial opinion: one day there will be stupid atheists as well. There aren’t really that many right now, bc it’s popular right now in atheism to actually examine one’s beliefs and decide for one’s own self what you believe - however, the same was once true of other religions too, before they got institutionalized, and in another hundred (or thousand) years when atheism has been passed down through enough generations, it too will become corrupted as well.
For now, I find that people of good conscience of all religions - and again, including non- and anti-religious folks too - share a heck of a lot more in common with one another than with the non-thinking sheeple. After all, the book literally commands people who follow it to be skeptical: “Test everything against what you know to be true (aka prove it) and retain only what passes that inspection” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Also it says stuff like pay the workers their wages, kill the money lenders, don’t heap heavy burdens on others without lifting a finger to help (be ye not a Karen), don’t judge others, but do hold your own leaders to account (cough fondling little children cough, also that whole felony / insurrection / treason thing). So really, if that breed of “christian” could (sigh, rather “would”) read, they would (should) be very upset! 😭
My advice: don’t mind them - they only matter in aggregate - just hold yourself to the higher standard that you, as a non-hypocrite, know that you must regardless. Argumentum ad populum et al.
This sounds like something I might want to read about, any chance you could drop some links or titles to what you’ve been reading?
This one was excellent:
This one got me started down this path:
Same for the rest too.
They like trump because he’s a great “business man”. Yet he’s not.
They like kid rock because he’s a ‘country rock rebel.’ Nahh he’s just old and stale.
They like elon because he is a ‘genius.’ LOL no.
They just vibing and can’t be bothered to actually give a shit.
They like kid rock because he’s a ‘country rock rebel.’ Nahh he’s just old and stale.
I think they like him because he pretends to be working class, but the internet has shown that he was a rich kid.
I wouldn’t have thought so either, but I bet there is a lot of spill over from Trump > Elon and a lot of Trump supporters are religious nut jobs.
That Venn Diagram is a circle
It’s all basically the same fan base!!
There’s 2 billion Christians in the world and maybe 28 kid rock fans in 2024
Doesnt this guy who married and raped a 9 year old have a rabid fan base who foams at the mouth at a simple cartoon depiction of their holy idol? I mean, fuck everyone in OP’s post, but like, cmon, you only had room for 4?? Throw in a kpop group as well. There’s an overwhelming abundance of insufferable zealots outside of dipshit american conservatives. Lets try to be inclusive here.
Spoiler alert: they’re all the same fanbase
Vince McMahon still has fans.
As society progresses, people that hate femboys are going to notice their Almighty has been the paragon all along.
Fanbases plural?
They’re the same picture meme for sure
Always forget people are a big fan of that guy (Jesus)
I honestly think Jesus would be a little embarrassed to have people hanging on his every word and ascribing meanings to it in the form of a book report on them every Sunday that he probably didn’t mean. It’s nice to teach us how to treat others and so on, but people loudly assuring others that Jesus loves them; well I have trouble believing Jesus thinks a lot of child predators and rapists myself. And I like what Jesus taught, but I don’t think everyone in the world is salvageable.
I’d be curious AF what he thought about all these depictions of him as a white dude with straight, light brown hair
I suppose it’s fair to say that some of the early artists who painted him probably never saw a brown Jew, and were handed down the stories of the Bible same as anyone, and just painted what they know. I can’t fault anyone for that, but the fact that the world very much knows better now and continues with this is obnoxious.
Close to the truth. The original use for a white Jesus was to express purity and divinity. From there, it just kind of snowballed…
He would probably be more annoyed at having a bunch of existing stories changed to make him the protagonist.
white american jesus specifically
Dipping communion wafers in ranch dressing for the win!
Blasphemy! Ranch dressing is too spicy
Supply Side Jesus specifically
The og jesus (hey-zeus) was chill, I’ve smoked a blunt with them a time or two
I think the Aramaic spoken at the time would have been pronounced closer to Yeshua or Yeshu.
The sentiment still stands dude was pretty chill, except that one time he fliped the tables of the money changers and hucksters turning a house of worship into a house of commerce. Still pretty based of him.
He did get so fuckin pissed he cursed a tree forever because it didn’t have any fruit for him to eat that one time.
Who’s the hat guy
Kid Rock.
ba wid da ba wid da bang da bang digidigy
Just realized this sounds like something Trump would say.
kid rock has fans? TIL
I used to be a fan of kid Rock…
It was the early 2000’s.
I’m still down with a lot of music from that time, I’ll still rock Smash mouth, I sympathize with what happened to their lead singer, but kid Rock is entirely self inflicted and instead of the world moving on from him (like smash mouth) they have him on a pedestal. Why should anyone from my generation be on a political tour because of music they made? It pretty much all sucked. They didn’t write any of it themselves… Barely any of them even performed it live. I respect Nickelback “Rockstar” for calling this out.
When you go MAGA, you gain a lot of crazy fans.
Never go full maga
crazy fans.
lol crazy is definitely accurate, but they’re fans who also say “when did rage against the machine go woke?!?”
I preferred it when RATM focused on music!
“why can’t these celebrities just sTaY iN tHeIr LaNe”
votes for reality tv “star”
I know one die hard RATM fan that works for a huge insurance company.
That Jesus is a little swarthy, you couldn’t find a pinker one?
I’ve found people saying they like Pinker, and not very often at that. But I’ve never found anyone that annoying or that fanatic about him.
(Honestly I’ve also never found any kid rock fans either, go figure)
I like how the Amazing Apartheid Boy is trying to do a Trump scowl - and it manages to look just as characteristically fake as Trump’s does.
the jesus fandom has a sub-section of hypocrites in America that keeps changing his canon
We have an extremely small sub-sub-section of Christians in Germany who bust a nut over their persecution fetish so hard, they move into the US.
Thanks for taking those USA. You’re the real MVP 🇺🇸
It’s not just America