I had a coworker before that was a flat-earther (lizardmen believer and all that shit), and one day he came into work saying “y’all ever wonder if the moon makes its own light??” during a dinner rush and the only thing that kept me from punching his lights out was the fact that it was dinner rush, or I would have pulled him by the collar of his shirt and beat him to near death.
I didn’t think people like that really existed until him, and even then I didn’t want to accept it.
And then people discovered how to exploit big data, social engineering, and social networks to begin uniting them in personality cults.
That seems like a bit of an over reaction
I’d have thought that too, before meeting him. Even his own family only loves him begrudgingly (though they keep a much more polite face than I could) and conspiracies aside, he’s a waste of society’s time and resources.
Hate me if you think I’m wrong, but if you’ve never met those kinds of people, you have no room to talk. They’re infinitely worse than the internet can make them seem.
Oh yes. You’re such a hothead and tough guy that you beat morons to near death, but not during a…dinner rush. Kay.
Those things sound like the stories we would come up with as children when we let our imagination run wild. But then we went to school and got taught stuff, right?
I believe it was specifically calling Buzz a ‘liar’ and a ‘coward’ that earns dipshit a knuckle sandwich.
I’m too lazy to look it up, but the video of Buzz socking that annoying guy is very satisfying.
I got you on Google tracker removal in return:
Ahaha never seen the remix. Judge letting Buzz off was sweet justice - calling him a coward and a liar, honestly.
Dude’s 94 & still going!
You the real G. The other person is a poser.
lolll shots fired u so mean 😋
Someone’s about to get punched in the face.
The video is typically titled “Aldrin punches conspiracy theorist” but it should include “Punches whiney, obnoxious, harassing moron” to help this guy find his place in history.
The cherry on top is that the court threw out the loser’s assault case citing that he “instigated it”
That’s very much the expected outcome. In the US, at least, the law has long recognized that there are some things you just can’t say without expecting a beatdown. This is called the “fighting words doctrine.” Generally, it covers things like the OP example, which is very clearly a direct personal insult that a reasonable person would expect could lead to violence.
Fighting words haven’t had legal standing for a long time as anything but a mitigating circumstance for sentencing.
What let Aldrin off was the previous personal and targeted harassment.
And this is a very good policy that maintains civility between people in public. There are States now that will allow absolutely anything to be said to anyone, without any recourse available to the person being harassed. As you can expect, those policies have led to people with much louder mouths, and a general lack of respect. People tend to hold their tongue a lot more when they can get punched in the face.
I always heard the harassing was very bad.
Yes, it’s why he got off scot-free instead of with a slap on the wrist.
Apparently it reality checked the guy, though, iirc he ended up apologizing?
I’ve watched that video a dozen times and even in the heavily edited video you can tell the guy won’t leave him alone. That was apparently the third interaction they had
Bart Sibrel is a conspiracy theorist, liar, and a grifter and wiki makes it sound like he had it coming. Say what you want about “patriotism” and “heros” and the military industrial complex; Buzz Aldrin climbed on top of a rocket and rode it into space and was only the second person to step foot on another celestial body. He was a fighter pilot before that and was the first astronaut with a PhD. He lost close personal friends in the space program, they all did. IMO he be allowed another jab if he wants.
this is my favorite space moment of all time
Thank you for using POV correctly
You: Thank you for using POV correctlyThank you for using nobody: correctly
Did he though? Nobody saying nothing is a double negative.
It’s not a double negative
It’s saying 0 is equal to 0
POV: You saw someone thanking someone else for using POV correctly.
It was well deserved. Let’s not forget: Buzz knew a fair few people who died in the pursuit of that dream, and the astronaut profession in general. The crew of Apollo 1, astronauts who died during training, Challenger, Columbia…
He is well aware that it takes a lot of guts to strap yourself to a rocket and that some have paid the ultimate price for it. And here’s a guy who calls him a liar and coward. If anything, Buzz went soft on him.
Wasn’t it because he did it again and again?
The guy who said that forgot that he wasn’t online, and dudes like Buzz don’t take kindly to fightin’ words.
That’s what you get for faking moon landing, brainwashing the masses with your occult sun and star worship pagan piece of sh*t propaganda and stealing tax payers money, glowies - you’re just gonna get exposed:
It’s, what, 60 years after the moon landing, and nothinging has been been exposed
But next week, right?
How can the conspiracy be exposed if the evidence has been destroyed
The evidence that it’s fake… The tapes…
Because there is no other evidence, such as the broadcast, the retro reflectors, the recent photos from satellites, returned momentos, quotes and people who lived through it… And you know, the USSR not debunking it at the time.
Too bad none of that exists.
Considering the possibility live broadcast was (partially) faked is different than claiming that we’ve never been to the moon.
It is suspicious that valuble scientific data that would confirm that the broadcast was live has “gone missing”
Okay Grandpa, let’s get you to the nursing home.
Take your meds.
Buzz whooped his ass to broad approval and had the charges immediately dismissed.
That guy deserved that punch. And many more actually.
Buzz Aldrin’s defence in court:
“Your honour, that video of me punching that guy is totally staged and fake, and I was never there.”
“In my defense, the guy did whine about not seeing any stars.”