What’s the point of trying to filter the smoke anyway. The smoke is the part that gives you the feeling. If you put a full air filter on the front end of a cigarette and took a clean breath of air why the fuck would you buy cigarettes. I get a light filter makes it less harsh but jeez
What’s the point of trying to filter the smoke anyway. The smoke is the part that gives you the feeling. If you put a full air filter on the front end of a cigarette and took a clean breath of air why the fuck would you buy cigarettes. I get a light filter makes it less harsh but jeez
The filter is there to catch big stuff that’ll make you gag. The microscopic ash particles are what you want to inhale, not the 2mm wide chunks
the nicotine gives you the feeling, not the smoke itself
Technically correct.
What do you think the nicotine rides on to get to your lungs?
It rides on bad ideas
Chariots pulled by air sprites
Based. Just get some papers and roll that shit yourself, like a joint. Put a roach in there to keep that tobacco out of your mouth, good to go.