This dude is a conservative talking about how under-socialized men are today. I was a Gen-X kid during that time frame. Things were violent but weak kids didn’t regularly die and disappear. But IME it’s poser assholes like this, the pufferfish who aspired to be Fallout Raider Youth that made kids avoid socialization in favor of going online. People are under-socialized because dudes like this *tried *to cull the herd.
But bullies did cull the herd in another way. Male youth suicides skyrocketed from 1981 on up to 1998 according to (+51% vs +24% for females).
wE dRAnK frOm thE hOsE
Why are people so prod of that? It’s not hard, it’s not an achievement, it’s just gross and unnecessary. I’m 40 and we just took the hose off to drink.