I seem to remember a similar list a while back, and they got rented out a lot. I can’t think of many other reasons to have two of the fucking things.
I’d be surprised if a lot of private jet owners don’t rent them out tbh. They’re not cheap, and even if you’re a super duper important rich cunt, how often do you really need to use them?
Isn’t that just because she had two jets?
I seem to remember a similar list a while back, and they got rented out a lot. I can’t think of many other reasons to have two of the fucking things.
I’d be surprised if a lot of private jet owners don’t rent them out tbh. They’re not cheap, and even if you’re a super duper important rich cunt, how often do you really need to use them?
You can rent private jets. It’s not too crazy expensive if you use the full capacity. It’s about 50-100% more than flying on a Delta level flight.
So you can have mock dog fights. Duh.
Then… why doesn’t she rent in the first place? Why is she so important she needs TWO? That’s the EXACT hypocrisy being pointed out.
Cos presumably you make more money if you own them and rent them out yourself…
Although maybe that’s not doing so well since she sold one the other week.
The joys of having fuck you money, I guess.
Oh, so it’s about making money and not the helping the environment. So EXACTLY the hypocrisy people are pointing out.