jim carrey pressing red button amongst two buttons meme template.
red button is titled “coger(spanish)”(lit: to grab/take, or fuck), whilst blue is titled “correr(portuguese)” (lit: to run).
jim carrey pressing red button is superimposed with the text “my brain when I hear portuguese correr”
Interesting. I have never heard of coger being fuck and the only Spanish I speak is with latinamericans. Is it a more recent slang?
slang but not new slang as it’s widely used and it’s even in the RAE dictionary (31 point).
Seemingly used in central america, Argentina, Bolivia, México, Uruguay, Venezuela and Dominican Republic.
maybe you mostly talk to Colombians? they don’t have that meaning of coger afaik.
In order of frequency I would guess: Cuban, Colombian, Puerto Rican, Venezuelan, Argentina, and then the rest.
I learned it meant fuck when I was taking Spanish classes in Texas in the 90s.