Hamad said that Palestinians are the victims of the occupation, therefore no one should blame them for the events of October 7 or anything else, adding: “Everything we do is justified.”

  • stevehobbes@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Except there are a lot of people like the first half of the parent I replied to that have a “Israel reaped what they sowed on October 6” attitude. But somehow don’t have a similar “they have reaped what they sowed” attitude towards Gaza right now.

    Which isn’t quite right.

    No one wants to share their toys since 1917. Both sides have alternatingly done ugly things that are, to our modern sensibilities, probably war crimes and ethnic cleansing. Previously, it was just war.

    We did the same/worse things to Native Americans. Spain and Portugal did the same/worse things to the Aztecs and Incas. Britain did the same/worse things to almost everyone.

    I just don’t think either side is justified but pretending like Palestine is any more or less of a victim than Israel in this whole mess doesn’t really seem to ring true if you look at the whole history.

    • Zorque@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      Knowing the cause of something does not excuse it. Just helps you better understand it, and how to prevent it in the future.

      Saying Israel’s actions have a direct relationship with Hamas activity is not supporting Hamas. Its saying their actions are antithetical to a peaceful resolution, nothing else.